Te Atatu Rotary Club: The Third Decade

First Decade

2nd Decade

3rd Decade

4th Decade

5th Decade

President: John Watkins

Rotary Theme: Honour Rotary with Faith and Enthusiasm

John, in the AGM report, lists the following as their major acheivements for the year:

  • A series of 4 “Small Businessmens” seminars
  • The purchase of life saving equipment for the Western Districts “St Johns Ambulance Brigade”
  • The Club hosted the entire group of RYLA awardees during the RYLA week – including two from Vanuatu
  • The Club assisted the Waitakere City Council social worker with various small humanitarian projects in Te Atatu
  • With the assistance of the WCC Parks & Reserve staff 58 trees were planted behind Matipo Road Primary School
  • The Club hosted the GSE team from England

Major fundraiser: Mammoth Garage Sale

President: Denis Bolland

Rotary Theme: Look Beyond Yourself

Amonst those who received assistance this year were:

  • The Rotary Foundation
  • Rotary Against Malaria Project in Vanuatu
  • Cyclone Val Relief Fund
  • Peer Support Programme
  • DARE – Drug Abuse Resistant Education
  • Reaching Out Trust
  • Diabetes Prevention Programme
  • The Te Atatu Girl Guides Association
  • Two Emergency Response Boxes filled

They also had a very active fellowship year with many and varied actitivities. One unusual one was a weekend in Whangarei – with members being hosted by the Whangarei South Rotary Club. Members enjoyed a weekend of “rugby, sailing and fellowship”.

A return match happened later in the year with the Whangarei people being hosted to a weekend of wine-tasting, home-hosting, sightseeing and fellowship.

During the year they also had a progressive dinner, pot-luck dinners, walks in the bush, a visit to the Faulty Towers Theatre Restaurant, 2 trips to the Mercury Theatre and to the show “Chess” at the Aotea Centre.

Vocational visits were to a chicken farm and ship building factory in Kumeu.

Kerry McMillan joined the Club… and life was never the same again…

Major Fundraiser: Mammoth Garage Sale with many donations of goods from local firms; lamb on the spit – cooked, carved and served up as lamb sandwiches; Quickfire raffles and train rides.

President: Peter Beale

Rotary Theme: Real Happiness is to Help Others

October 1992:
The Club changes its name to The Rotary Club of Waitakere City

The AGM report from this year is missing so it was into the bulletins to find out what went on. The Bulletin Editor, this year Kerry, did very well in describing the interesting program of speakers, fines that were instigated, the regular “Mac’s Crack”… but not a great deal on the programs they supported.

A fellowship event was a Club trip up the miniature railway to the Waitakere Dam.

One thing that happened regularly was a “Three minute talk” by members at the meetings.


“THREE MINUTE TALK by yours truly Kerry Mac. Probably one of the better 3 minuters given and shame on those who turned their hearing aids off and those who fell asleep. Anyway, I enjoyed my family’s trip to the crater lake on Mt Ruapehu and can recommend the experience.”

President: Don Page (second term)

Rotary Theme: Believe In What You Can Do – Do What You Believe In

The Club ran the 1994 District “Handicamp”. Denis Bolland organized it with the help of Kerry McMillan, Rick Shaw and John Watkins. John & Jill Watkins went as Camp Mum and Dad.

The AGM report was rather brief!

President: Rod Stevens

Rotary Theme: Be a Friend

This year was the 25th Anniversary of the Club and a plaque commemorating this was installed at “The Glen” at Matipo Road School.

It was also the start of the Waitakere City Rotary / Matipo School “Trees for Survival” program.

President: Peter Smith

Rotary Theme: Act with Integrity – Serve with Love – Work for Peace

President: Derek Gee

Rotary Theme: Build the Future with Action and Vision



President: Don Jennings

Rotary Theme: Show Rotary Cares


President: Hans Van Beek

Rotary Theme: Follow Your Rotary Dream


President: Bob Benzie

Rotary Theme: Act With Consistency, Credibility, Continuity

Rotary Peace Garden

The Rotary Clubs of Henderson and Waitakere City Declared:
Waitakere City To be the first international Rotary District Peace Community in New Zealand and the 24th world wide On the 11th day of August 1999

The Rotary Peace Garden was dedicated:
23rd February 2000 On World Rotary Peace Day And is dedicated to the memory of Rotarian Past President Don Page A Paul Harris Fellow and a man of peace

The above is the wording on the plaque in the Peace Garden behind The Falls Restaurant in Henderson. A very peaceful place to visit overlooking the river below.