
Our Years Calendar

The Coffee Club Cafe, 288-290 Lincoln Rd, Henderson, Auckland 0610
Meeting Job Descriptions and Members’ Roster

2018 to 2019Joint Presidents: William Tulloch and Patrick Howard


Future Events: 2018

FebruaryOur Clubs first meeting is back on the 6th of February 2019

The Official Rotary Calendar

Following is the official Rotary Calendar (note, 2 months don’t have an official designation but some Clubs use May for Environment). Our speakers may (but often don’t) fit within these months.

AugustMembership and Extension Month
SeptemberNew Generations Month
OctoberVocational Service Month
NovemberRotary Foundation Month - and World Interact Week
DecemberFamily of Rotary Month
JanuaryRotary Awareness Month
FebruaryWorld Understanding Month
Rotary founded 23rd Feb 1905 in Chicago
MarchLiteracy Month - and World Rotaract Week
AprilMagazine Month
JuneRotary Fellowships Month - and RI Convention