
  • Our Bulletins
  • Subscribe to Bulletins

Every week a newsletter, or bulletin, is written describing events of the last week and foretelling the future ones. You can read them here or subscribe to receiving them hot off the press directly to email. Our Guest Speaker, or event for the night, is shown so we can remember which bulletin is which. (Click the blue underlined date for the bulletin)

2014 to 2015 President: Patrick Howard

Bulletin Editor: Patrick Howard

March 2015

Literacy Month

25th March 2015Dr Francis Pitsillis
Joint Meeting: New Lynn, Western Springs and guests from Henderson Rotary and Rotarac
PDF - 2.33MB
18th March 2015Rotary Projects
PDF - 947KB
11th March 2015Soapbox Derby Planning NightPDF - 0MB
4th March 2015Ben Bookings: Lima Climate Change Conference
PDG Lindsay Ford
PDF - 1.5MB
February 2015

World Understanding Month

26th February 2015Joint Meeting: Henderson RotaryPDF - 946KB
18th February 2015IYEs: Victor & Rodrigo; Film Maker Davian Lorson
11th February 2015Rob Lutter: Heart Kids NZPDF - 1.3MB

4th February 2015Rotary ProjectsPDF - 1.7MB
January 2015

Rotary Awareness Month

28th January 2015Saumalu Kali: Future Leaders ProgrammePDF - 869KB
Tues 20th January 2015Joint Club Meeting: New LynnPDF - 688KB

Membership enquires welcome. Contact us for more information on how to join this fantastic Rotary World!