Rotary Milestones

1905 First Rotary club organized in Chicago, Illinois, USA
1908Second club formed in San Francisco, California, USA
1910First Rotary convention held in Chicago
1912The Rotary Club of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, becomes the first club outside the United States to be officially chartered. (The club was formed in 1910.)
1917 Endowment fund, forerunner of The Rotary Foundation, established
1932 4-Way Test formulated by Chicago Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor
1945Forty-nine Rotarians help draft United Nations Charter in San Francisco
1947Rotary founder Paul Harris dies; first 18 Rotary Foundation scholarships granted
1962 First Interact club formed in Melbourne, Florida, USA
1965 Rotary Foundation launches Matching Grants and Group Study Exchange programs
1970 May 1970 The Rotary Club of Te Atatu North Rotary Club Chartered (Now Known as The Rotary Club of Waitakere City) (Name Changed 1990)
1978 RI's largest convention, with 39,834 registrants, held in Tokyo
1985Rotary announces PolioPlus program to immunize all the children of the world against polio
1989 Council on Legislation opens Rotary membership to women worldwide; Rotary clubs chartered in Budapest, Hungary, and Warsaw, Poland, for first time in almost 50 years
1990 Rotary Club of Moscow chartered first club in Soviet Union
to 1991
Preserve Planet Earth program inspires some 2,000 Rotary-sponsored environmental projects
1994 Western Hemisphere declared polio-free
1999 Rotary Center for International Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution established
2000Western Pacific declared polio-free
200130,000th Rotary club chartered
2002Europe declared polio-free; first class of 70 Rotary Peace Scholars begin study
2003 Rotarians raise more than US$118 million to support the final stages of polio eradication
2004Rotary International hosts its largest Convention in Osaka, Japan. A record 45,881 Rotarians from 113 Countries attend
2005Rotary Celebrates its 100th Anniversary
2006Only 4 Countries remain polio endemic:
Afghanistan, India, Nigeria and Parkinstan.

New Zealander Rotarian Bill Boyd inducted as RI World President.
2007 Rotary Foundation celebrates millionth Paul Harris Award
2008Rotary launches the Gates Foundation “End Polio” Challenge
2009Rotary celebrates the 100th Rotary International Convention in Birmingham, England

The worlds' largest artificial reef was built by a Rotary Club in the Phillipines - in the shape of a Rotary wheel