
Rotary International, the world’s first service club organization, is made up of over 32,000 clubs in almost 170 countries with 1.2 million members.

Its members form a global network of business and professional leaders who volunteer their time and talents to serve their communities and the world.

Rotary’s motto is “Service Above Self” and our Vocational committee encourage good business practices and remind us of the Rotary Four-Way Test:

  • Is it the TRUTH?
  • Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  • Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Rotary projects that our Vocational Services Committee support:

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards

This is a week-long leadership development programme for 18-24 year olds hosted and sponsored by Rotary Clubs in the district.

RYLA is an experiential live-in programme designed to help young people develop their team work and communication skills and fulfil their potential as leaders.

Waitakere Rotary’s candidate in 2011 was Eddie Tuiavii. By the time he had finished telling us about it we all wanted to go! 8th June 2011 Bulletin

Henderson Rotary are organizing the District 9910 RYLA in 2012


Eddie Tuiavii
2011 RYLA candidate

Group Study Exchange (GSE)

This is a cultural and vocational exchange program between districts in different countries for business and professional men and woman ages 25-40.

Through the GSE, paired Rotary Districts each send and receive teams of 4-5 non-Rotarians, led by a Rotarian, for a 4-5 week study tour. The teams are hosted by local Clubs in the District for a few days each and visit local businesses in the areas.

Incoming GSE Team:

In April 2010 we hosted a GSE team from France for 3 days. Photos and a description of their experiences are in our 14th April 2010 and 21st April 2010 Club Bulletins

Outgoing GSE Team:

In 2009 our Club nominated Richard George, a teacher, for the GSE trip to India. Richard came back full of enthusiasm and told us all about it.

Before he left he assured us that he planned on returning with an Indian wife and a herd of cows. When questioned on this he said the cows were turned back at the plane door so he also left the proposed wife behind.

Details of his trip are in our 18th Feb 2009 Club Bulletin.


French GSE team with
Waitakere City
Mayor Bob Harvey


Richard George


Bob Benzie is very keen to set up a Rotaract Club – for those aged between 18 and 30 – in West Auckland.

If interested contact Bob on: 021 434 611

More details on what Rotaract is can be found on our Rotaract page

Currently the nearest Rotaract Club is Pupuke Rotaract who meet in Takapuna.
